Indispensable elements for the design of a virtual undergraduate Project




virtual education, quality, methodology, higher education, Andragogy


OBJECTIVE: establish the methodological foundation and model for a virtual degree at the undergraduate level, with an andragogical approach. METHOD: the methodology proposed for the execution of this research is mixed, using the strengths of qualitative and quantitative methods and thus finding a reality based, both on experiences and real data, that allow valid contributions. RESULTS: among the most notable results, it is observed that the methodology used in the degree is widely accepted by students. However, an evident need to increase interaction through synchronous sessions is identified. CONCLUSION: it can be concluded that a precise methodological definition for a virtual program has a determining impact on the results experienced by students who participate in said program. These results cover not only the grades obtained, but also the substantial achievements in terms of learning and the satisfaction perceived by students regarding their acquired knowledge and professional development during their academic training. Furthermore, this methodological definition significantly affects the overall quality of the program.


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Author Biographies

Mariela Román Barrios, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Master in Direction and Production of e-Learning, Master in Educational Planning and Management. Graduate in Social Communication. Doctoral candidate in Education, with emphasis on educational technology. She currently works as an Advisor to the General Coordinator of the Postgraduate Studies System of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala and a teacher at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He has published articles on virtual education applied to higher education.

José Hidalgo Navarrete, Universidad de Granada

Doctor in Education from the University of Granada. Degree in biological sciences. University professor and deputy academic director, La Sagrada Familia University Center. Director of doctoral theses for several higher education institutions. He has an accreditation as a private university professor and a professor hired by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation in Spain -ANECA-.


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How to Cite

Román Barrios, M., & Hidalgo Navarrete, J. (2023). Indispensable elements for the design of a virtual undergraduate Project. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(2), 65–75.



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