Midwife grandmothers as guardians of life and utz k’aslemal (the Good life)
midwives, knowledge, childbirth, health, ancestralAbstract
OBJECTIVE: to understand the role of traditional midwives before, during, and after childbirth among Maya K’iche’ women in the Quiché department. METHOD: A qualitative methodology was employed to analyze the role of traditional midwives in K’iche’ communities. A phenomenological approach was used, involving semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The study was conducted in Quiché, which consists of 21 municipalities, 17 of them with a Maya K’iche’ population. Participants included mothers, pregnant women, midwives, healthcare personnel, and community and ancestral authorities. Midwives from the Council of Midwives of Quiché, as well as other lactating and pregnant women and ajq’ijab’ (timekeepers), were included. RESULTS: An in-depth understanding was achieved of the role of traditional midwives during the stages before, during, and after childbirth among Maya K’iche’ women in Quiché. Their political role in the struggle for healthcare for indigenous peoples was highlighted. Despite challenges, the recognition of ancestral medicine remains a constant in the fight for self-determination. CONCLUSION: Medicinal plants continue to be the primary method used by traditional midwives in patient care. The work of traditional midwives can be seen as political, embedded in the resistance dynamics of indigenous peoples. The recognition of ancestral medicine is an ongoing challenge in the struggle for the self-determination of these communities.
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