Social causes of teenage pregnancies: Aldea la Ciénaga Case, San Lorenzo, San Marcos




adolescent, education, pregnancy, cultural, parenting


The objective of this study was to identify the social causes of pregnancies in adolescent women in the Aldea La Ciénaga, located in the municipality of San Lorenzo, in the department of San Marcos. The main objective was to establish the most common sociocultural factors that contribute to these teenage pregnancies and to analyze the role of institutions and the family in relation to this problem. To carry out this research, a qualitative and descriptive approach was chosen, based on an inductive method. Two main techniques were used: semi-structured interviews and observation. The sample selection was non-probabilistic, and aimed at 13 community actors strategically chosen due to their relevance in the context of adolescent pregnancies. The results of this study highlighted several social causes as major drivers of teen pregnancies. Among them are family disintegration, lack of comprehensive sexuality education and parenting patterns, all factors ingrained in culture and passed down from generation to generation. In conclusion, the findings suggest that the implementation of comprehensive sexuality education programs could be an effective measure to counter misinformation and reduce teenage pregnancies at the local and municipal levels. In addition, the importance of strengthening both community and institutional networks to develop strategies that effectively prevent and address this social problem is emphasized.


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Author Biography

Juan Luis Arreaga, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is teaching in the postgraduate program on Formulation and Evaluation of Development Projects
Social, graduate in International Relations and graduate in Social Work both with
Cum Laude distinction and completed at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala


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How to Cite

Arreaga, J. L. (2023). Social causes of teenage pregnancies: Aldea la Ciénaga Case, San Lorenzo, San Marcos. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(2), 113–129.



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