Relationship between musical training and academic performance in medical students




medical sciences, college student, musical instrument, music performance, academic performance


OBJECTIVE: determine whether students with musical training have better academic performance than their peers without such training. Academic performance is influenced by personal, institutional, and social aspects. Some other less studied elements such as motivation and character also influence academic performance and particularly musical training, it can increase academic performance by improving verbal and visual memory, intelligence, and executive functions. METHOD: analytical case-control study through the application of an electronic questionnaire to 1,119 students in the first three years of medical school. RESULTS: a significant relationship was found between the age of beginning of musical learning (13-17 years p < .05 with CI 1.58-45.75 and 18 or older p < .05 with CI 1.62-43.92) and academic performance, which was not modified when stratified by sex or by the type of secondary educational institution from which the participants graduated. No relationship was found between musical training and academic performance p > .05. CONCLUSION: no relationship was established between musical training and academic success.


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Author Biographies

Rony Enrique Rios Guzmán, Universidad de San Carlos

He is a pediatrician and has a master's degree in university teaching. He has been a teacher at the Faculty of Medical Sciences for 25 years. He has carried out several educational research, published 3 books, directed 3 research co-financed by DIGI and is Ambassador in Guatemala of the UNESCO Chair of Inclusion in Higher Education at the University of Santiago de Chile.

Waleska Rebeca Peña Tenes, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Psychologist graduated from the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. He received the Diploma “Introduction to the Comprehensive Approach to Addictions to licit and illicit substances” taught at USAC by the School of Psychological Sciences and the CITAA Comprehensive Ambulatory Treatment Center for Addictions in 2013. He has received various courses in Qualitative Research, Writing Scientific articles, Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research. Co-author of the book: “Predisposing factors for early student dropout in medicine.”

Nancy Judith Castillo Hernández, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Professor of Secondary Education in Psychology, Professor of English CIAV, announcer, television host, singer and actress, Graduate in Dramatic Arts USAC, Teacher at the Higher School of Art USAC, Researcher in the General Directorate of Research -DGI- USAC. Author of the book “Theatre, a pedagogical tool for social inclusion” and of textbooks at Editorial Santillana.


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How to Cite

Rios Guzmán, R. E., Peña Tenes, W. R., & Castillo Hernández, N. J. (2024). Relationship between musical training and academic performance in medical students . Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 7(1), 67–78.



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