Nutritional status and food practices of children under two years of age, according to who 2021 standards in the municipality of Genova, Quetzaltenango




indicators, nutritional status, feeding practices, breastfeeding, relationship


OBJECTIVE: determine the association between the nutritional status and feeding practices of children under two years of age, according to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) 2021, in the municipality of Génova, Quetzaltenango. METHOD: quantitative, descriptive, correlative and cross-sectional study. 123 mother-child pairs that attended the Permanent Care Center of the Municipality of Génova, Quetzaltenango were evaluated. An interview was conducted through a standardized instrument with 22 questions related to feeding practices and nutritional evaluation. of the kids. RESULTS: according to the weight/height indicator, 84% had a normal nutritional status; For the weight/age indicator, 24% of the children were underweight; For the length/age indicator, 37% presented moderate and severe growth retardation. In relation to feeding practices, it was determined that more than half of the children received breast milk from their mother "sometime", 50% were breastfed within the first hour of birth, 64% received exclusive breastfeeding during their first months, a quarter received mixed breastfeeding, 78% met the indicator of a minimum accepted diet. Only 4 of the 16 practices studied exceeded 75% compliance. A significant relationship was evident between the nutritional status of children with some nutrition indicators. CONCLUSIONS: the alternative hypothesis is accepted, which establishes the relationship between nutritional status and feeding practices of children under two years of age according to the WHO 2021 standards.


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Author Biography

Ariana Michel Argueta Pacajoj , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Nutritionist, graduated from the Rafael Landívar University, Quetzaltenango Campus. Currently, he provides professional services as a Nutritionist for the Municipal Health District, in the municipality of Huitán, Quetzaltenango, in the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance. She has presented information on community nutrition issues, eating habits, and breastfeeding.


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How to Cite

Argueta Pacajoj , A. M. (2023). Nutritional status and food practices of children under two years of age, according to who 2021 standards in the municipality of Genova, Quetzaltenango. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(2), 17–27.



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