Pre-primary education for human development: A look from neuroeducation


  • Alicia Judith Morales Villeda Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



preschool education, early childhood, development, human development, neuroeducation


Pre-primary education and its importance in human development is an important issue in our country, since, from the first years of life, boys and girls develop their abilities and their future development depends on this. Currently in Guatemala, early childhood education has received little attention, since the greatest focus is focused on primary education, leaving the pre-primary level with less attention. The article shows the results of the qualitative study on pre-primary education in relation to human development, with the objective of "Identifying the importance of pre-primary education for human development based on neuroeducation in the municipality of Mixco, Guatemala". Teachers, directors, directors and professionals who attend early childhood participated in the research process, specifically in pre-primary schools in the municipality of Mixco. According to the contributions of each participant, the results of the study show that it is important to provide adequate attention to girls and boys in early childhood, because that is where the brain develops. In this article, the term Human Development is presented from a sociological approach as one that places the development of individuals at the center of development, so that more opportunities and a high standard of living are enjoyed. Likewise, neuroeducation is developed as a psycho-pedagogical approach based on brain functioning to adapt the didactic action in the most appropriate way for each individual.


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Author Biography

Alicia Judith Morales Villeda, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is completing the Master's Degree in Local Human Development and International Cooperation from the School of Social Work, University of San Carlos de Guatemala (2023). Graduated from the Social Work degree, from the School of Social Work, University of San Carlos de Guatemala (2018). With experience in research on the subject of childhood, since it is a sector of the vulnerable population currently in our country.


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How to Cite

Morales Villeda, A. J. (2023). Pre-primary education for human development: A look from neuroeducation. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(1), 121–136.



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