Effectiveness of CUNSURORI postgraduate virtual education in times of COVID-19





virtual education, effectiveness, learning, communication


The objective of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of virtual education in postgraduate studies, especially in master's degrees taught at the University Center of the South East of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala in times of COVID-19, with the purpose of determining what has been the behavior and performance of both students and teachers. For the research process, the descriptive qualitative was taken into account, whose main variables were accessibility or connectivity, satisfaction and knowledge, communication, methodology and didactics. A sample of 136 students and a population of 25 professors was taken, corresponding to 4 master's programs, to whom a survey was applied with the four analysis factors of the study. In the results obtained, it can be highlighted that in the four variables the effectiveness of virtual education in postgraduate studies has been satisfactory, showing slight aspects that require the necessary attention. In conclusion, it can be determined that the main challenge is to find the necessary means to improve the communication process during and feedback, as well as the improvement in student participation in synchronous classes.


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Author Biography

Ludwing Enrique Ortiz López, Centro Universitario de Sur Oriente CUNSURORI, Universida de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has a Master's Degree in university teaching with an emphasis on andragogy and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, both from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, currently a doctoral candidate for the Doctorate in Education, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México. Professor of Statistics courses and thesis advisor in the Business Administration career at the South East University Center of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala and director of the Department of Postgraduate Studies.


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How to Cite

Ortiz López, L. E. (2023). Effectiveness of CUNSURORI postgraduate virtual education in times of COVID-19. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.36958/sep.v6i1.123



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