Board game and awareness of Quichelense cultural heritage




heritage education, board game, Quiche heritage, game-based learning


OBJECTIVE: emphasize the importance of heritage education as an essential element for preserving the cultural richness of the Quiché people, and to describe how this process increases its effectiveness when implemented through playful educational strategies that gradually rescue local heritage knowledge. METHOD: during the process, a mixed methodology of execution was used, through a Sequential Exploratory Design (DEXPLOS) with a comparative variant (Domínguez, 2015, p. 15; Hernández et al., 2014). Three research methods were used, addressing the nature of each specific objective. These were ethnographic, design-based research, and knowledge evaluation. The first one to characterize the main tangible cultural elements of the Quiché, the second one to design a prototype of a board game and a cultural magazine, and the third one to evaluate the effectiveness of educational resources through pre and post-tests. RESULTS: at the end of the study, the results of the t-student tests revealed a significant increase in the knowledge of the students who used the game compared to those who did not. CONCLUSION: heritage education requires interinstitutional efforts to thoroughly explore Guatemalan cultural richness and promote it throughout the population. Regarding the design of educational games, the importance of adapting them to the needs and relevant topics in the classrooms is emphasized, considering elements such as students’ characteristics, available resources, game aesthetics, and its ability to provide fun.


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Author Biography

Breysen Felipe Castro Xon, Centro Universitario de Quiché

He has a Master in Rural Development and Climate Change, and a Bachelor's degree in Pedagogy with a Specialty in the Environment, both degrees obtained at the Quiché University Center of the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. Coordinator of the research project carried out in 2020: Situational state of secondary education in the face of the use of digital social networks, code AP1CU-2020.


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How to Cite

Castro Xon, B. F. (2024). Board game and awareness of Quichelense cultural heritage. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 7(1), 89–111.



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