Healthy lifestyles in primary schoolchildren, metropolitan area of the Department of Guatemala, 2021




health, school feeding, diet


The research presented addresses lifestyles in 5th grade schoolchildren and 6th. elementary school of two public schools in the department of Guatemala, located in Villa Nueva and Mixco respectively, with the objetives: to describe the sociodemographic characteristics of the children participating in the study, as well as identifying the lifestyles in relation to physical activity, diet, rest, sleep and recreation for the prevention of diabetes.  Study quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional approach. 206 children participated, with the authorization of the parents by signing the informed consent.   The results reflect that the majority of the participating children are women and smaller percentage are men, rangin from 10 to 13 years of age, living with their parents, siblings, grandparents and uncles, and living in the urban area. Most of them do not suffer from diseases, do not suffer from diabetes, do not know to prevent diabetes, a significant percentage have a family history of diabetes. It is evident that they have little knowledge regarding food lifestyles, a protective factor is that they walk at least 30 minutes every day, while few practice recreation and dedicate few hours to rest and sleep.


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Author Biography

Enma Judith Porras Marroquín, Estudiante de Doctorado en Salud Pública

PhD candidate in Public Health at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of San Carlos of Guatemala, Master Artium in Nursing with emphasis on cardiovascular health care, National University of Bogotá Colombia, Bachelor of Nursing, Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala , Nurse at the National School of Nursing of Guatemala. Professor of the master's degree in Nursing at the Mariano Gálvez University of Guatemala. Coordinator of the Thesis Unit of the National School of Nurses of Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Porras Marroquín, E. J. (2024). Healthy lifestyles in primary schoolchildren, metropolitan area of the Department of Guatemala, 2021. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 7(1), 55–65.



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