Graduate tutoring. Rupture or cohesion between comprehensive education and training as researchers


  • Erick Cajigal Molina Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Santa del Carmen Herrera Sánchez Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Heidi Angélica Salinas Padilla Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • Juan José Díaz Perera Universidad Autónoma del Carmen



tutoring, postgraduate, research, integral, tutors


OBJECTIVE: This research proposes to identify the actions carried out by teachers around tutoring and the assessment that postgraduate tutors give to these, with the aim of generating a conceptualization, from their context, that supports the actions of teacher-tutors. in the following generations. It starts from the premise that postgraduate tutoring has not reached an agreement on what it is, much less what should be done from that space, which has led to a dichotomy in terms of the activities that are carried out there. Such activities can be grouped into: academic and comprehensive. The lack of the aforementioned agreement is understandable when recognizing that contexts have their particularities and needs, therefore, there cannot be a single conceptualization, much less universal activities within postgraduate tutoring. METHOD: hence, by means of a quantitative approach and with a descriptive-correlational scope, a group of postgraduate students are examined on the actions of their tutors to identify the areas of opportunity and with this, provide a conceptual, practical and contextualized. RESULTS: among what was found, it stands out that the tutoring, up to now carried out in the study group, is relevant in terms of academics, however, it has areas of opportunity in terms of integrality.


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Author Biographies

Erick Cajigal Molina, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

He is a doctor in educational research from the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers. Among his latest publications, the following stand out: Cultural capital: its relationship with the school trajectory of UNACAR students and Association of academic performance and social learning of university students in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche.

Santa del Carmen Herrera Sánchez , Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

She has a degree in Computer Science, with a Master's Degree in Mathematics Didactics and a Doctorate in Educational Sciences, a full-time Research Professor, with a PRODEP profile and a member of the National System of Researchers, she is a member of the Basic Academic Nucleus of the Master's in Innovation and Practices Education and the Academic Body of Educational Mathematics, coordinator of the Master's Degree in Innovation and Educational Practices, Peer evaluator of the Inter-institutional Committees for the Evaluation of Higher Education (CIEES).

Heidi Angélica Salinas Padilla, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

She has a degree in Communication, a Master's in Management Skills and a PhD in Distance Education and Instructional Design, a Full-Time Research Professor, with a PRODEP profile and a member of the National System of Researchers, she is a member of the Basic Academic Nucleus of the Master's in Innovation and Educational Practices and the Academic Body of Educational Mathematics, currently Academic Secretary of the Autonomous University of Carmen, Mexico.

Juan José Díaz Perera, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

He is a doctor in Educational Technology. Full-time Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Autonomous University of Carmen. At the postgraduate level, he is a professor of the basic nucleus of the Master's Degree in Innovation and Educational Practices of the PNPC register of CONACYT. Member of the Academic Body in Consolidation of Educational Mathematics in which he has developed various research projects with funding, as well as multiple national and international publications. He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers and has the desirable profile of PRODEP.


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How to Cite

Cajigal Molina, E., Herrera Sánchez , S. del C., Salinas Padilla, H. A., & Díaz Perera, J. J. (2023). Graduate tutoring. Rupture or cohesion between comprehensive education and training as researchers. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(1), 47–72.



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