Didactic strategies and the use of ICT in teaching





strategies, didactics, Gross Domestic Product, practice, teacher


In the educational process, the adequate selection of didactic strategies and the efficient use of ICT by professionals at the higher level, goes beyond technological tools, it must be focused on the student. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to evaluate the didactic strategies used in teaching practice and their influence on the use of information and communication technologies in the High School Teachers and Educational Administration Technician career at the university center. from Sanarate, El Progreso. METHOD: the methodology consisted of using a non-experimental quantitative-qualitative concurrent design of a descriptive cross-sectional type. The sampling frame was made up of 10 students of the career who were interviewed and 10 teachers who were given a questionnaire. RESULTS: the results indicate that the challenge for teachers in an education in constant renewal and change and the demand for better levels of skills is updating through permanent training that is essential to achieve quality education in our country, and that the students have linked the practice in institutionally coordinated activities, which coincides with the results obtained.


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Author Biography

Wendy Yuliana Morales García, Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala

She has a degree in Pedagogy and Educational Administration. Master's student in University Teaching, Faculty of Humanities, Headquarters. Currently teaching at the university in the PADEP/D Academic Professional Development Program for Teachers and serves as Director of the Official Urban Mixed School No.2 "Sanarate".


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How to Cite

Morales García, W. Y. (2023). Didactic strategies and the use of ICT in teaching . Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(1), 111–120. https://doi.org/10.36958/sep.v6i1.129



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