Validation of an instrument that evaluates investigative skills and technological tools for research




research skills, technology tools, validity


OBJECTIVE: determine the validity of the instrument developed to measure investigative skills integrated into six dimensions that are: methodological, search, citation, data analysis, writing of conclusions and presentation; and the technological tools for research integrated into six dimensions that are: search, citation, tabulation and presentation of data, writing and communication. METHOD: content validity was determined through expert judgment applying the Lawshe Model and reliability through a pilot test applying the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient. RESULTS: in relation to content validity, all items obtained a score greater than 0.582, which indicates that they are adequate; in terms of reliability, a Cronbach's Alpha of .952 and .811 respectively was obtained for each variable. With which there is a robust instrument in validity
and reliability to be applied. CONCLUSION: the study determines that there is content validity and reliability in the instrument so it can be applied in research for the established purposes that are aimed at evaluating the student's perception in relation to the investigative skills and technological tools for research that used, according to the variables and dimensions contemplated.


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Author Biography

Nancy Gabrieal Agustin Barrios, Universidad Panamericana

Doctorate in Innovation and Educational Technology - USAC, Master in Andragogy and Higher Teaching and Bachelor in Nursing. Director of the National School of Nursing Auxiliaries of Guatemala, teacher for nursing assistant, technician and nursing degree at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala (USAC) and Rafael Landívar University (URL), reviewer and advisor of bachelor's and master's thesis in Nursing (USAC).


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How to Cite

Agustin Barrios, N. G. (2023). Validation of an instrument that evaluates investigative skills and technological tools for research. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(2), 131–142.



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