Organoleptic evaluation of mango (Mangifera indica L) jelly, juice, nectar and syrup




tommy atkins, agro-industrial processes, criollo mango, ataúlfo mango


OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics when using three varieties of Mangifera indica L. (Tommy Atkins, Ataúlfo, Criollo or Pashte) in the production of jelly, juice, nectar, and syrup in the municipality of Escuintla, Escuintla. METHOD: this study utilized experimental methodology, producing jellies, juices, nectars, and syrups from three mango varieties (Tommy Atkins, Ataúlfo, and Criollo) in the experimental laboratory of CUNSUR. Subsequently, sensory analyses (odor, color, flavor, texture, and appearance) were conducted for each product. The sensory tests involved 14 to 28 students from the agro-industrial engineering program, with responses obtained through 7-point hedonic tests and analyzed using a completely randomized block design. The approach is quantitative with an explanatory scope. RESULTS: it was determined at a significance level of
= 0.05 that there is no impact on the organoleptic characteristics of products such as nectar, juice, and syrup. As for the jelly, only the flavor showed a difference. CONCLUSION: it is suggested to produce mango nectars, juices, and syrups from three different varieties of Mangifera indica L. (Tommy Atkins, Ataúlfo, Criollo or Pashte) as no significant differences were found in their organoleptic characteristics (odor, color, flavor, texture, and appearance) according to the product evaluators. However, for mango jelly production, it is considered better to use the Tommy Atkins and Criollo varieties.


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Author Biographies

José Donaldo Ixlaj Cardona, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is a Master in higher education graduated from the USAC Faculty of Humanities. Specialist in applied creativity, graduated from the University of Brasilia and the Autonomous University of Madrid, he is an Agroindustrial Engineer graduated from CUNSUR-USAC. University registry of researchers RUI 1621. The link is shared to review the research career of the main author:

Elfego Antonio Pérez Elías, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has a Master's degree in Industrial Administration from the Rafael Landívar University. Chemical Engineer from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, teacher at the master's and bachelor's level, director for 9 years 3 months of the Southern University Center CUNSUR, currently Coordinator of the USAC-CUNSUR Research Institute.

Jhonatan Emilio Echeverria González , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has a degree in Public Accounting and Auditing, graduated from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Ixlaj Cardona, J. D., Pérez Elías, E. A., & Echeverria González , J. E. (2024). Organoleptic evaluation of mango (Mangifera indica L) jelly, juice, nectar and syrup. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 7(2), 31–47.



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