Structuring and Strategic Analysis of the National Avocado Value Chain




avocado, Persea americana, value chain, PESTEL, Porter’s five forces


The structuring of the value chain of a product represents a strategic analysis tool that not only allows the identification of competitive advantages for a sector, but also makes it possible to segment and strengthen a production process. Based on this and the need to generate information for the avocado sector in Guatemala, the present work has the objective of building strategies for the development of competitiveness in the sector of said fruit, this through the chain analysis methodology. of value (ILO, 2016).

First, it is necessary to mention that the avocado is a fruit of Mesoamerican origin that currently represents one of the four tropical fruits with the greatest demand worldwide. Additionally, it has presented an accelerated and uninterrupted growth in its production and demand during the last decade. And according to reports from the FAO and OECD, it is estimated that by 2030 it will be the most demanded fruit, increasing its production to 12 Mt, three times the amount cultivated in 2010 (OECD/FAO, 2021).

Taking into account the above and the fact that Guatemala has the ideal climatic and soil conditions for avocado cultivation, it is extremely important to structure the avocado value chain in the country. Since with this it will be possible to identify the key players, points of improvement, challenges and growth opportunities for the sector.


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Author Biographies

Ximena Nicole Alvarado Ríos , Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

He is a fourth-year student of Industrial Engineering at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, central campus. He has participated as a research assistant from August 2022 to the present, in the Sustainable Alliances for Innovation, Research and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) project.

Mardoqueo Velásquez Gómez, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

He is an industrial engineer with a Master of Business Administration and Master in Logistics and
Operations Management, he is currently a Professor and Researcher in the Department of
Industrial Engineering at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, central campus. had a
participation as an advisor in the study carried out.

Ingrid Lorena de León Vilaseca, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

She is a chemical engineer with a Master's Degree in Food Biotechnology, since 2022 she has been Director of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, central campus. In the study carried out, he participated as coordinator and advisor for the academic support of the project.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Ríos , X. N., Velásquez Gómez, M., & de León Vilaseca, I. L. (2023). Structuring and Strategic Analysis of the National Avocado Value Chain. Revista Cientí­fica Del Sistema De Estudios De Postgrado De La Universidad De San Carlos De Guatemala, 6(2), 163–182.



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